Tuesday, May 3, 2011

To the boys in my life


(cue tears)
Well your all time goal in life is a truth now. You're super man.... because you put up with ME every single day. It has been a crazy couple of months and an extremely stressful couple of weeks for sure. Thank you for being so strong for me and so happy and smiley all the time. I love your big heart, and the sweetness that you have about you. I don't know how you do it and I'm SO jealous of you because you are never not upbeat and fun to be around. I have so many days where I feel absolutely awful about myself and without saying a word about it to you, you just seem to know, and say exactly what is going to make me feel better and reassure me that I'm not going to be pregnant forever. I've noticed something change in you recently, as I've seen it change in myself. I think it's instinct and we know and can feel that we are so close to having the most important role that we will ever play. We are going to be responsible for a life. We are going to be in charge of the happiness and well being of a child. I feel like we're ready. And I feel like we will be good at this. Wanna know how I know? I see things like this all the time...

I am SO grateful that I'm going through all of this with you. I'm CRAZY about you and I cannot imagine my life without you in it. You're my blessing and I love you so much.

To my sweet Baby Boy,

You are almost here. I love you so much already and can't wait to meet you. I'm turning into such a different and better person because of you and I love that. Your Dad and I talk about you constantly and about what we think you'll be like. We have big hopes and dreams for you and us as a little family. I'm hoping you're silly like your dad. I'm hoping your not a super picky eater, because I'm no Rachel Rae in the kitchen. I know you'll be beautiful, I know you'll instantly become my best little buddy. You should know that mom can't stop shopping for you. Since your a boy you probably won't ever care how I dress you, but I will care. I've been thinking lately that you might be a soccer player, or maybe enjoy something like kick boxing because you are really doing a number on my ribs! I'm in a little pain sure, but mostly impressed. We've been scrambling getting things all ready for you. It's going to be one amazing summer baby boy. We'll be busy, I'm going to cry a lot I'm sure, but I know how blessed I am. And this job that I'm about to take on is truly what I've wanted to do my entire life. By the way we've picked a name for you. How do you feel about Brody Neil Denison? Pretty cute huh. We are so excited for you that 25 days just seems too long. Whenever you're ready, I'm ready. I'm so ready.

We'll see you soon sweet boy.
I Love you so much, Too the moon and back.



  1. :) beautiful!
    life is gonna change forever once Brody gets here, and in the best most amazing, fun way ever. it is thee best thing on this earth.
    you guys are so ready :)

  2. Congratulations Kim! This post is beautiful and amazing. Can't wait to see pictures of your new little addition. You guys will be a gorgeous famil and incredible parents!

  3. kim this is so cute! I cant beileve youre little family is going to have 2 boys in it so soon! Austin was like, woah she gets to sign it mom, youre going to be a mommy! You and Jake are going to be amazing parents, cant wait to add little brody to our double dates :)
