Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tomorrow just won't come fast enough.

We were supposed to find out today what exactly we're expecting in June. But OF COURSE I got a phone call last week that said my Dr. had a surgery scheduled for today so we would have to push it back one day. No big deal right? WRONG. big deal. I couldn't sleep last night because I just cannot wait any longer to just know! All day I find myself looking at little bows and sweet little outfits (online) and then I have to look at little tiny Nike tennis shoes and mini Boise State Jerseys. I have changed my mind every week as to what I think it is. My mom is usually on the same page as I am and changes her mind just as often. Jake though has stood firm with his thinking that we are expecting a precious baby boy. He would just LOVE to see something there tomorrow. But then I think about him with a little girl and maybe he won't admit it yet, but I know he's just going to melt when he sees his little girl, and he'll play Barbies and ponies and let her do his hair. If we are having a girl and she's anything like me when I was little, then she's going to be under the car with dad changing the oil... loving anything and everything dirty.
What's comforting for me though is that I'm far enough along now that there really shouldn't any mistake... things should be pretty visible. So let's just hope that a certain someone isn't feeling shy tomorrow.

Mom, Jake and I are going to head to our apt at noon. Jake's parents are in Mexico for the week so what we did was send them with 2 little boxes wrapped the same, but numbered box #1 and box #2. When we get the news, Jake is going to call and tell them to open a certain box. One of them has little tiny Pink Mini mouse socks, and the other has cute blue Mickey Socks. Then I put a silly little poem that I stuck in each. They were super bummed that they were going to be gone and weren't able to go with us to the ultra sound so we thought that this would still be something kinda fun for them.

TOMORROW! What will it be, what will it be?

(If we are having a girl, these might just be my first girly purchase. SO PRECIOUS)
Listing # 62090555 at Etsy.com

1 comment:

  1. Kim!! i'm glad you're just like me and couldn't freakin wait to find out the gender haha. I DID care.. ! Have fun tomorrow!! how exciting!
    and oh hey.. if it's a girl... I can make that sweetness lots of fun hair stuff.. free of course friend :) Girls are so sweet..that mommy daughter bond is irreplacable.
    BUT boys DO have their perks.. and are total mommas boys at heart.
