Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Big Fat Update.

Jake and I are so addicted that it's just disgusting. Too many of our evenings are spent being bums on the couch watching episode after episode until one of us falls asleep. Most of the time it's me. I love that he's just as addicted as I am and one episode will end and we'll look at each other and laugh because we just HAVE to watch one more. We just started season 4. We are saving the final season to watch while I'm in the hospital...hopefully it will distract me. If you have started it yet, Netflix streams it instantly online and through X box for $8 a month. Jake and I canceled cable and replaced it with Netflix. Such a beautiful thing it is.

We are starting to pack up are apartment. And by started I mean we literally have a box with 2 things in it. Ha. We have A LOT of work to do. You'd think I'd be super stressed about packing, moving, putting a nursery together, putting a new place together all in such a short amount of time. 2 months until we're expecting baby. I'm not stressed at all. I will be I'm sure. I'll be a mess when the time comes. But I know I'll have lots of help so that's comforting to me. As far as our house goes... we are meeting with our lender a couple times a week signing documents and getting her paperwork. We don't have a for sure YES quite yet, but we are sure crossing our fingers. And I'm still continuing to plan. I very well could get my hopes up and we end up not getting this house, but it's too late now. Jake keeps telling me not to get emotionally involved quite yet but what he doesn't understand is that I'm emotional already and yeah... I'm attached. But we will be where we are supposed to be. I just want to be settled and safe and at least a little bit prepared for this boy.

We haven't decided on a name quite yet. We've got it narrowed down to a few though. We will probably decide officially the day we give birth. I'm hoping one of them will just stick out and FEEL right because I love them all.

I made a fun Ebay phurchase a few months back and got baby boy a very cute bedding set. It's very Jake. I was concerned at first that it wasn't "baby" enough, but now I think it's perfect and I can't wait to set up that crib and see it all put together.

Jake has decided to enroll in Summer school. He starts the week I'm due. Yikes. But he's only taking 2 classes so hopefully it won't be too bad. He's excited to get back into it and get a couple of classes out of the way. He works so hard. I'm real proud of him.


  1. Love the bedding & you will be so happy you didn't go to babyish because I did & totally HATE it now & am already planning on how I will change it for his second birthday! lol Oh & we did the same thing with names.. had a couple & then a few middle names too. I was so stressed about it, but seriously right after he was born, we pretty much looked at eachother & knew that he was SUCH a Grant. The middle name took a few hours though.:) & good for you for thinking of labor distractions! You should watch it at home though & not go in until the contractions are really close. Are you going natural though or wanting an epidural?

  2. Lost... oh my i tell you.. we were the exact same before I gave birth to arli.. haha literally right up into labor.. hilarious.
    I can't wait to hear the name :)
    I agree you never know the name until he is born.. what fits. and you'll know (sooner or later) which one he is. :)
    so excited for you both. and pretty sure Beck would love bedding like that haha. so cute!
